Step 1: Open the image in Photoshop CS6 and select the “Magic eraser
tool” from the Left side toolbar or you can simply press “E” to select
Step 2: Start to remove the background by clicking background area. Keep
the tolerance value 20 or below that while using “Magic eraser tool”.
Step 3: Select the “Eraser tool” from the Left side toolbar and remove
the rest of the background area. Use “Ctrl” “+” for zooming image and
remove all the background.
Step 4: Resize the image by using shortcut “Ctrl”+“Alt”+“I” and select the “Move tool” in the sidebar.
Step 5: Move the first image to the second image by using move tool. Adjust the image by dragging left-right and top to bottom.
You can use “Ctrl” + “Z” to undo and repeat the step. Here is the
final image after changing the background of a photo. “Ctrl” + “S” to
Save the image and change the format into jpeg while saving.
Now, I
have successfully changed the background of the first image. Follow
this simple steps to change the background of a picture.